Oct 23, 2007

2 Way - Money from other AFF links

You will need AdultFriendFinder (AFF) and AdAdult.org accounts too.
Another way to earn from AFF is to promote FREE AT ALL links. You can find them when you login at AFF as affiliate and press "All Programs" .
There you will see many Programs, but you will need only the ones that are tottaly free and they are : GuanXi, Slim, GradFinder, BreakThru, ShareRent and Dine.
1. Promoting GuanXi - you will get $0.05 for each free signup and there is no such campaign at AdAdult, where you can promote cheaper than $0.05, so you will have to write AdAdult your own campaign(to do that find YOUR OWN OFFER in the bottom of AdAdult>advertisers>Guaranteed signups blank and fill it). For example : you pay $0.032( Do not offer less than that, because they won't exept, believe i know ;) ) for each signup, if you will order atleast 1000 they should accept.
In that case your Signup Order will cost you 32$ and you will get 50$.
2. Promoting BreakThru and Slim - you will get $0.1 for each free signup .
Do the same as explained in Promoting GuanXi, but for each free signup pay atleast $0.062
If you order 1000 free signups, it will cost you $62 and you will get $100 for it ! .
3. Promoting GradFinder and Dine - you will get $0.25 for each free signup .
Do the same as explained in Promoting GuanXi, but for each free signup pay atleast $0.16
If you order 1000 free signups, it will cost you $160 and you will get $250 for it ! .
4. Promoting Share rent - you will get $0.5 for each free signup !!!
Do the same as explained in Promoting GuanXi, but for each free signup atleast $0.31.
If you order 500 free signups, it will cost you $155 and you will get $250 for it !( if you order plans as big as 50000, or bigger use Unique Signup blank, it will be cheaper for you ! ).
Note : You can find other affiliate programs that pay for tottaly free signups too, maybe there you will get even more, but when you buy signups form AdAdult, offer similar prices to the above. Example if you get $0.1 for each free signup offer $0.062 if you get $0.2 offer 0.124$ and so on. Minimum "OWN ORDER" that AdAdult accepts is $30.

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